Are you dehydrated? Would you know if you were?

If you were dehydrated would you know it? You drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day, right? You don’t drink soda, right? Of course you aren’t dehydrated. Do you know that you could still be functioning in a state of dehydration. Shocking right!

The body is 60 percent water and the importance of maintaining a hydrated body for optimal functioning is absolutely necessary.  There are many symptoms of dehydration such as extreme thirst, less frequent urination, dark colored urine, sunken eyes, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness and foggy brain function. Another common indication is the appearance of what can be best described as sparkles flashing throughout your vision that commonly appear after a cough, sneeze or the blowing of your nose.

With all things in life….. balance is everything. The body operates best at a recommended pH of 7.3. Maintaining this needed balance can be a challenge since we have all been exposed to and have become used to what is a mainly acidic diet. Most of us are unaware of this fact. We believe that we make healthy food choices when infact we maintain a pH of less than 7 in our daily food intake choices. Even for those of us who chose to only consume specific brand of water are unaware that most brands carry a pH of less that 7 which is the naturally occuring Ph of spring water.

When you are not properly hydrated your body becomes an acidic environment. It experiences difficulty in absorbing vital nutirents and minerals, it produces higher levels of histamine that cause an increase in allergies and food intolerances, you may experience memory and concentration issues as well as brain shrinkage, energy levels decrease, blood sugar and blood pressure levels become imbalanced and there will also be an increase in the production of chelesterol within the body in order to preserve fluids within cells.

Now that we know what the negative impact of imporper hydration on the body let’s look at the ways in which we can correct the imbalances and look at the positive effect proper hydration and the inclusion of alkaline foods. Comsuming water brands with a confirmed pH higher than 7 can help counteract the effects of the acidic diet that we mostly partake in. There should be an icrease in the intake of Omega 3, Omega 6, Magnesium and Potassium.

You can make small changes to your diet and make a huge difference on a cellular level. Do so by avoiding or reducing the intake of diuretics such as certain teas, coffee, alcohol and processed salt. Include omega rich foods like linseed and chia. Have raw or steamed vegetables as part of core daily meals or have fresh vegetable juice daily. Avoid processed, microwaved and dried foods. Consume plant based proteins when possible. Choose gluten free grains over gluten based grains. It is important to fully hydrate through diet before turning to supplementation. Supplements can be dehydrating to a body that isn’t fully hydrated which could cause symptoms to worsen and supplements would not be properly absorbed in a dehydrated body.

  The benefits of a properly hydrated body are numerous and rewarding. Proper hydration improved both the suppleness and complexion of the skin, increase in energy levels and mood, helps muscles and joint to operate smoothly and as intended and a boost in cognitive functions. It prevents dry mouth which cause bad breath and also promotes cavities. Dehydration lowers blood volume so your heart has to work harder, the drop makes everyday activities difficult so hydration justly promotes cardiovacsular health which lowers the risk of heart attacks. Finally, proper hydraytion keep the proverbial plumbing working. It also prevents urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Kidneys require flushing and water comsumption helps to filter waste it should be noted that severe cases of dehydration can cause a build up of toxins which could result in a shut down.

When your body is well hydrated the water inside and outside the cells work efficiently in providing nutrients votal to the daily operation of the body. Making better choices with small changes be it additions or subtractions from your current daily diet can make a significant difference for the better.