Passion is a NECESSITY! When deciding to work for yourself or to venture out on your own. You should be passionate about the field that you choose. The long hours and the sleepless nights hit differently when you are enjoying completing the tasks at hand. I believe every passion can be a road to independence and we have the ability to transform it into a lucrative endeavor.

In the beginning of my journey of working for myself I handled many of my interactions with both my clients and associates from an emotional place. I wasn’t verse in understanding that as a business person nothing was personal, I was determined to remain true to myself and I handled thing accordingly. When I set out on this road I was seeking the ability to pay bills and get myself through different levels of education. A pretty simple goal…… don’t you think?!

The beauty in simplicity is that not all of it clear cut. It takes alot of mistakes and alot of trial and error before you actually find the right way to get something done. I say “the right way” loosely because the right way for you to achieve a goal may not be the socially acceptable way. What didn’t work for someone may be the exact method you need to use. It is important to know and be sure of the direction that you want your business  to grow in. If your intention is to get rich quick I don’t have any recommendations on the fastest way there I know how to work and work smart.

Time is your most important asset. The way you choose to spend it matters. If you have problems with time management, I suggest that you work on it. As with any person the need to have fun and enjoy life is a highly sought after thing. Most  people want to be successful in order to have the time for travel and to spend time with friends and family or even getting into luxury activities like mountain climbing or horseback riding.  I tried to work none stop in my early 20’s in the hopes of having the time to do whatever I want in my 60’s. When I got to my late 20’s my perspective changed because the way I managed my time changed. I made time for the things I wanted to do within reason. I learned how to identify activities that I dedicated time to that didn’t have any enriching aspect to my life and I removed them from my to-do list. Now I live each day on purpose.

Not everyone qualifies to be in your working circle, similarly not everyone needs to be a member of your personal circle. Know who is valuable where and who isn’t. Just because someone wants to be your business partner doesn’t mean that they should be. There is a freedom in autonomy. It is refreshing to make choices and bring them to reality. Sometimes the road is rough and you would need to seek counsel from other persons in your field however, there is nothing that detracts from a dream like sharing the vision with someone who is operating on a different agenda.